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6 reasons why you feel tired all the time and how to treat each one, according to sleep experts

It's normal to feel mild daytime sleepiness once in a while, but if you're feeling excessive sleepiness suddenly or often that's causing you to sleep more than the recommended 7-8 hours, this can be a cause for concern. Not to mention, feeling tired and worn out all the time can get in the way of your day-to-day, and can even be dangerous in the case of operating a car or other machinery. Here are six reasons for excessive daytime sleepiness and how to treat it and get your life back on track. S...

6 reasons you feel like you need to pee right after you've peed, according to urologists

Do you feel as if you constantly have to go to the bathroom or find yourself needing to pee again right after you've just gone? If so, you may have, what physicians call, frequent urination.It's normal to pee about six to eight times a day, but if you're peeing more than that — especially if you're experiencing other related symptoms like pain or a strong, urgent need to pee — this can be a sign of bladder issues, or prostate issues if you have a prostate.Here are six common causes for that urge...

My insomnia has prevented me from sleeping before 3 a.m. or later for years. I started doing yoga before bed and now, I'm asleep by midnight.

For me, ever since I was a kid, bedtime has always been more of a time for stress than relaxation, even before I was an insomniac. I would get into bed and immediately start to expect the worst, bracing myself for the seemingly inevitable anxiety attacks.For more nights than anyone should, I've tossed and turned, feeling like I can't breathe while overcome with anxiety, wishing more than anything that I could just fall asleep. But my insomnia didn't fully start until I was in college — about a d...

Will adding lemon to your morning coffee aid weight loss? Diet and obesity experts weigh in on this TikTok 'health' trend

If you've been scrolling through TikTok looking for health hacks, it's likely you've come across some people who claim that drinking coffee with lemon has helped them lose significant amounts of weight, even without making other major changes to their diet or lifestyle. But like any diet hack that claims an easy fix to a complex problem, this TikTok trend is false.Here's what you need to know about the potential benefits and risks of drinking coffee with lemon –– and what the professionals have...

6 reasons why your eye is swollen — from different kinds of infections to allergies

When people talk about eye swelling they could be referring to the area around the eye, like the eyelids, or the eye itself. Eye swelling can affect one or both eyes and result in symptoms ranging from discomfort to redness to pain.There are many potential causes for swelling of the eye and eyelid. The causes can range from very benign issues that will resolve on their own with home care to more serious infections that require urgent medical care.Here are eight causes of eye swelling:A hordeolum...

Drinking alcohol the morning after to cure a hangover is just about the worst thing you can do — here's why 'hair of the dog' doesn't work

If you're dealing with a hangover you're probably desperate to find a cure for your pounding head and churning stomach.One common, albeit counterintuitive, approach is to drink more alcohol. You may hear it referred to as the "hair of the dog." This English expression originally referred to an old practice of treating a rabid dog bite by taking hair from the dog and placing it in the wound. Today, that logic semi-translates to the idea that introducing more alcohol to your bloodstream will someh...

What it could mean if you see blood on the toilet paper after you wipe

It's alarming if you notice blood on the toilet paper when you wipe after pooping, especially if it's the first time this is happening to you. You may notice blood on the toilet paper, drops of blood in the toilet, or blood mixed in with your poop.The causes of blood when you wipe range from benign to more serious. It's important to take note of any other symptoms that occur along with the bleeding and talk to your doctor to determine the cause.Here are seven potential reasons for experiencing b...

9 ways to curb your drinking habits, according to addiction specialists

While it can be safe to drink moderately, many Americans may want to reconsider the amount they drink regularly, says George Koob, the director of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. But most people have a hard time discerning when they've gone beyond moderate drinking and should consider cutting back, according to Koob.According to a study published in November 2022 in the JAMA Network, alcohol is a leading cause of preventable death in the US. The researchers found that bet...

Semen retention is the biggest health scam on TikTok according to a men's health expert

While many people with penises enjoy the sensation and release they experience during an orgasm, some penis-owners are purposely denying themselves of ejaculating. Although this idea may seem new to you, the concept has been around since ancient times. For example, ancient Indians considered semen a precious substance, and viewed the loss of semen as a threat to their health. Today, while browsing Reddit or TikTok, you might come across people passionate about semen retention, claiming that avoi...

The 4 most important vitamins to keep your memory strong and brain healthy

Memory problems may be more common than you think, with one in nine adults over the age of 45 experiencing some form of confusion or memory loss. Perhaps to combat this, a 2021 survey found that 21% of adults over 50 take at least one supplement to support their brain — in particular, to boost memory.Memory impairments can affect your quality of life, and in some cases, can progress into something more serious, like Alzheimer's disease. Here are four supplements that may possibly have benefits f...

7 tell-tale red flags of medical gaslighting and how it can lead to a horrifying misdiagnosis

Medical patients hope to feel safe, heard, and cared for by doctors — but unfortunately, this isn't always the reality. While gaslighting is a red flag in romantic relationships, the phenomenon often occurs in the medical world too."Medical gaslighting is a term recently used to describe when health care providers dismiss a patient's concerns, feelings, or complaints," says Faith Fletcher, an assistant professor in the Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy at Baylor College of Medicine and...

What is melatonin? A complete guide to the sleep hormone and whether taking supplements is worth it

Melatonin is a hormone naturally produced in the body that plays a crucial role in the circadian rhythm and our ability to fall asleep.Here's what you should know about the hormone melatonin and whether or not taking melatonin supplements can help you get a better night's rest. Melatonin is a hormone that naturally occurs in the body. Light and darkness act as cues that tell the brain to produce melatonin. A tiny gland in the brain called the pineal gland produces melatonin at high levels every...

7 reasons why you fart more than the average person, according to gut-health experts

While some people find it embarrassing to pass gas in front of others, or even to just talk about it, farting is completely normal. Everyone does it — in fact, it's considered normal to fart 14-23 times a day. However, if you find yourself farting a lot more than you usually do, especially if you're experiencing other symptoms like pain, diarrhea, or constipation as well, it could be a sign that something is up. Anything from your diet to a more serious health condition can cause excessive farti...

12 ways to boost libido and improve your sex life

Media and societal norms lead people to believe that they should be ready to have sex at any given moment. While this is the experience of some people, it certainly isn't the case for everybody.If you're looking to increase your sex drive or libido, there are a few things you can do to boost your desire. Here is what the research says. Libido is a person's sexual desire or appetite. A person's libido can be affected by hormones, mental state, stress, brain function, and behavior patterns. Everyo...

5 easy ways to reset your sleep schedule and get your rest back on track

If you have trouble sleeping, you're far from alone. Approximately 70 million Americans suffer from chronic sleep problems. Furthermore, 35% of American adults don't get enough sleep — meaning they sleep less than seven hours a night. One way to improve your quality of sleep and ensure you're clocking enough hours of shut eye is to fix your sleep schedule. This refers to when you regularly go to sleep and when you wake up. If your sleep schedule is all over the place, it's likely that your sleep...

7 reasons why your pee has an unusual odor

The smell of your pee can vary day-to-day, or even from morning to night. However, if your pee smells particularly funky, especially if it lasts longer than one day, you may want to consider seeking medical attention. Here are eight reasons why your pee might smell, and what to do about it.It's normal for urine to have some odor, since it contains ammonia, which has a pungent smell to it, says Jeffrey Loh-Doyle, MD, urologist at Keck Medicine of USC. If you are dehydrated, Loh-Doyle says the amm...

What actually causes blue balls and how to relieve the pain, according to men's health specialists

If you've ever gotten super turned on for a prolonged period of time but weren't able to have an orgasm, you may have experienced some mild pain and discomfort in your testicles, colloquially referred to as blue balls. The phenomenon even has its own medical term: epididymal hypertension.The discomfort you feel from blue balls is certainly real, but there are misconceptions about the condition.If you're experiencing blue balls, your symptoms will likely be brief and mild, says Justin Dubin, MD,...