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The Used's Bert McCracken has powerful words about life and death

[Photos by: Ryan Muirhead]

On a patio in sunny Los Angeles, Bert McCracken, frontman of the Used, has his legs curled up in a chair while chainsmoking, spewing knowledge about life and death. The release of The Canyon, the band’s emotionally charged seventh studio album, is only days away. McCracken is afraid, but not because of the criticism the music might receive.

Read more: Op-Ed: In defense of the Used’s “Over And Over Again” and their ‘new’ sound

“I’m more scared than I've ever been in...

Alive With the Glory of Emo: The Oral History of Say Anything’s '…Is a Real Boy' - SPIN

It was the early 2000s: emo music was making its mark on the world, and Say Anything’s Max Bemis was creating a masterpiece—while simultaneously losing his mind.

While the band has since cemented its place as an emo luminary, …Is a Real Boy was undoubtedly unlike anything else that came out of the scene around that time. Between a self-proclaimed “fucking mess” singer, a fresh-out-of high school drummer, and two Broadway pros, Tim O’Heir and Stephen Trask, (Hedwig and the Angry Inch, anyone?)...

Sublime with Rome’s Rome Ramirez Talks Tangerine Skies, Growth, and Weed

Temperatures might be dropping –– even in SoCal –– but listening to Tangerine Skies, Sublime with Rome’s latest EP, it feels like summer.

It’s been 12 years since Sublime with Rome’s debut, Yours Truly, which served as the world’s formal introduction to Rome Ramirez, who, by the way, is not trying to be or replace the late Bradley Nowell, frontman of the OG Sublime. Head to any of the band’s live shows and you’re sure to hear the Sublime hits you’ve sung along to at least 420 times. BUT, with...

Talking Music and Weed with Sublime With Rome at the One Love Cali Reggae Fest

A fat, foot-long joint is being passed through the crowd as Sublime with Rome performs at One Love Cali Reggae Fest. Clouds of smoke hang low above concert-goers heads, likely providing a second-hand high to anyone who isn’t already stoned.  Backstage before their set, the band tells me they go by “the rule of thirds” when putting together their setlist. “A third of the hits, a third of the classics, a third new stuff,” explains Rome Ramirez, frontman and guitarist of the band. “Everyone loves t...

The Resurgence Of Emo Goes Hand-In-Hand With Today’s Mental Health Dialogue

The emo icons of the 2000s are still here and still rocking, but instead of partying hard on their time off, they're... doing yoga and barre? Talented as ever, Bert McCracken of The Used and Anthony Green of Circa Survive will be playing for audiences across the country during the Rockstar Energy Drink DISRUPT Festival. The Used and Circa Survive are two of the main headliners of the first DISRUPT Festival, which kicks off Friday, June 21, in Dallas, Texas, and ends July 28 in Albuquerque, New M...

The Maine Reveal How Mental Health Struggles Influenced Their New Album

John O'Callaghan of The Maine isn't a rockstar, nor does he want to be. All he wants is for The Maine to be known as a good band made up of good people. "Wholesome, well-intentioned individuals," as he puts it. And, yes, he actually means it. The Maine arrived on the scene with debut album Can't Stop, Won't Stop in 2008—the heyday of MySpace (RIP), Warped Tour (RIP), and greasy, albeit sexy, emo boy hair (also RIP). Since then, the band amassed a cult following by not only releasing great new mu...

Lady Gaga’s 32 Best Live Performances for Her 32nd Birthday: Critic’s Picks

There is no modern-day performer who brings it live quite like Lady Gaga. Whether she’s performing alone with her piano, or with a full band and a crew of backup dancers, she commands the crowd like no other.
While the artist born Stefani Germanotta used to be known primarily for her crazy fashion antics (meat dress, anyone?), Gaga has since proved herself as a respectable performer who can sing show tunes, pop, jazz, rock, and any other style she sets her mind to.
In honor of Lady Gaga’s 32nd...

Neck Deep’s Ben Barlow On Walking The Tightrope Of Fame And Depression

“Pain, pain, go away, come back another day, I just wanna get one up on life before it kills me.”The audience is scream-singing the lyrics to Neck Deep’s single, “Where Do We Go When We Go,” as show-goers not-so-gracefully crowd surf while recording themselves, presumably for Snapchat. I should mention that I’m at Warped Tour, and it’s 2017.There’s an unparalleled catharsis that comes along with attending a show and singing along, especially when the lyrics feel all too relatable. In this case,...

Dashboard Confessional’s Chris Carrabba Is Emo, But He’s Not Sad

Even the prince of emo sometimes forgets his own lyrics. And when he does, it's incredibly endearing. I’m on the phone with Chris Carrabba, Dashboard Confessional frontman, and I’ve just asked him what his favorite lyrics he’s ever written are. He takes a long pause and apologizes.“So hand me the rocks to help weigh me down, and tether my legs...” Carrabba trails off, trying to remember how his song goes. He pauses, then softly half-sings the rest, starting from the top. “So hand me the rocks to...

Taking Back Sunday is Causing a 'Tidal Wave': Q&A with John Nolan - BKMAG

By Ashley Laderer

Tidal Wave, Taking Back Sunday’s latest album, is a different Taking Back Sunday than the one you’ve known. And no matter how good a record is, there will still be someone who doesn’t like it. John Nolan, guitarist and co-vocalist of Taking Back Sunday, knows this. It comes with the territory. But after listening to this album over and over, I’ve come to a conclusion. I, at least, think this album is fucking great. And I think that many fans will feel the...

Alive With the Glory of Emo: The Oral History of Say Anything’s '…Is a Real Boy' - SPIN

It was the early 2000s: emo music was making its mark on the world, and Say Anything’s Max Bemis was creating a masterpiece—while simultaneously losing his mind.

While the band has since cemented its place as an emo luminary, …Is a Real Boy was undoubtedly unlike anything else that came out of the scene around that time. Between a self-proclaimed “fucking mess” singer, a fresh-out-of high school drummer, and two Broadway pros, Tim O’Heir and Stephen Trask, (Hedwig and the Angry Inch, anyone?)...

Sublime with Rome’s Rome Ramirez Talks Tangerine Skies, Growth, and Weed

Temperatures might be dropping –– even in SoCal –– but listening to Tangerine Skies, Sublime with Rome’s latest EP, it feels like summer.

It’s been 12 years since Sublime with Rome’s debut, Yours Truly, which served as the world’s formal introduction to Rome Ramirez, who, by the way, is not trying to be or replace the late Bradley Nowell, frontman of the OG Sublime. Head to any of the band’s live shows and you’re sure to hear the Sublime hits you’ve sung along to at least 420 times. BUT, with...

The Resurgence Of Emo Goes Hand-In-Hand With Today’s Mental Health Dialogue

The emo icons of the 2000s are still here and still rocking, but instead of partying hard on their time off, they're... doing yoga and barre? Talented as ever, Bert McCracken of The Used and Anthony Green of Circa Survive will be playing for audiences across the country during the Rockstar Energy Drink DISRUPT Festival. The Used and Circa Survive are two of the main headliners of the first DISRUPT Festival, which kicks off Friday, June 21, in Dallas, Texas, and ends July 28 in Albuquerque, New M...

The Maine Reveal How Mental Health Struggles Influenced Their New Album

John O'Callaghan of The Maine isn't a rockstar, nor does he want to be. All he wants is for The Maine to be known as a good band made up of good people. "Wholesome, well-intentioned individuals," as he puts it. And, yes, he actually means it. The Maine arrived on the scene with debut album Can't Stop, Won't Stop in 2008—the heyday of MySpace (RIP), Warped Tour (RIP), and greasy, albeit sexy, emo boy hair (also RIP). Since then, the band amassed a cult following by not only releasing great new mu...

Lady Gaga’s 32 Best Live Performances for Her 32nd Birthday: Critic’s Picks

There is no modern-day performer who brings it live quite like Lady Gaga. Whether she’s performing alone with her piano, or with a full band and a crew of backup dancers, she commands the crowd like no other.
While the artist born Stefani Germanotta used to be known primarily for her crazy fashion antics (meat dress, anyone?), Gaga has since proved herself as a respectable performer who can sing show tunes, pop, jazz, rock, and any other style she sets her mind to.
In honor of Lady Gaga’s 32nd...

Dashboard Confessional’s Chris Carrabba Is Emo, But He’s Not Sad

Even the prince of emo sometimes forgets his own lyrics. And when he does, it's incredibly endearing. I’m on the phone with Chris Carrabba, Dashboard Confessional frontman, and I’ve just asked him what his favorite lyrics he’s ever written are. He takes a long pause and apologizes.“So hand me the rocks to help weigh me down, and tether my legs...” Carrabba trails off, trying to remember how his song goes. He pauses, then softly half-sings the rest, starting from the top. “So hand me the rocks to...